Ruffed Grouse
Ruffed Grouse can be unpredictable birds, flying up from the underbrush at startling speed, while other times strutting calmly in front of you as if they do not have a care in the world. These birds have some pretty evasive habits, making them a challenge to hunt. They easily camouflage into their habitat, however a good tip is that they love edge cover. Ruffed grouse often skirt edges of roadways, swamps, or where new growth meets dense forest. They love small leafy plants, seeds & berries. Areas with poplar trees are a favorite food source as they enjoy the nutrient rich poplar catkins. During the winter these bird stick close to conifer trees for warmth and shelter. It is important to keep your ears open while hunting ruffed grouse, the young often give away their presence by scattering while making loud peeping sounds, just before the adults bust out of the bush in a flurry.
Wild Turkey
The wild turkey has had a fairly recent reintroduction to our area. Conservation and regulation control is still an important issue for this species. It is important to stay up to date with the latest regulations and the licenses that you require to hunt them in our region. To hunt wild turkey in Ontario, you require both a small game license and a special wild turkey license. The Loring-Restoule region is located in WMU (Wildlife Management Unit) 47. Turkey hunters in Ontario are required to take a Turkey Hunting Course. For more information visit the MNR Hunting site.